SvD’s photographer: ”I try to blend into the background” (In Swedish: SvD’s fotograf: “Jag försöker smälta in”):

16 hours in the emergency ward (In Swedish: 16 timmars jourpass på akuten):

20 of August 2018: “I asked what her name was and if I could take a picture...). (In Swedish: 20 augusti 2018: »Frågade vad hon hette och om jag fick ta en bild…«):

This years moose hunt is more complicated than normal. (In Swedish: Årets älgjakt är mer komplicerad än vanligt):

The emergency room is already filled to capacity – her telephone is ringing non-stop: “A normal night” (In Swedish: Akuten redan överfull – hennes telefoner ringer konstant: ”Vanlig kväll”):

Rickard was raped by a woman: “Male friend wanted to high-five” (In Swedish: Rickard våldtogs av kvinna: “Killkompis ville high-fiva”):

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